Saturday, September 8, 2012

Book: Chapter 1

I just read the first chapter of the book. It was an introductory chapter where authors go over task analysis and interface design. They overview the importance of user observations, and discussions. Also, they emphasis the importance of the true understanding of how each task work! Here, I highlight some pages and their contents:

  • P3: "The heart of the problem is a lack of a firsthand, carefully considered understanding of the users, their tasks, and their environments." 
  • P5: explaining what is interface design
  • P6: usable interface characteristics
  • P6: "user and task analysis is the interaction between the interface designer and users"
  • P9: user and task analysis should be done earlier on the project --> cheaper designs --> cheaper user tests
  • P11:poor designs increase costs. Reasons: (a) increased support costs, (b) lower productivity, and (c) increase user mistakes. 

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