Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of the book kicks off by discussing the first step in the analysis which is the User Analysis. First, it discusses the importance of identifying who are the users, then forming the user profile team. Later, constructing user/task matrix. Finally, assumptions about users.

Users can be classified under the following categories:
(a) Primary: user who will actually use the system and interact with it.
(b) Secondary: user who will be affected by the system (directly or indirectly)
(c) Surrogate: users who replace the primary users on their vacations, and leaves.
All of the above categories are important to be considered when designing a user interface.

P31: forming user profile team.
P32: creating the initial user/task matrix.
P33: "write down your assumptions about user types (differences and similarities) and discuss them with the user profile team" . Also, think about how would you test to verify them!
P35-50: discusses what are the information we need to know about each user type? (a) How users define themselves: jobs, tasks, tools, and mental modes. (b) How users differ individually: mentally, physically, culturally, and motivational wise, (c) How users use products overtime, and what expertise level are they looking for?

As for the cultural issue, sometimes culture is not an issue and that depends on the system and its usage. Deciding if the culture would matter or not is usually done using the stage of use (Ch3).

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