Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Thinking about the users’ envirnoment

The importance of the user environment is that user’s do not perform their tasks in an isolated environment. In fact their environment affects how they work and perform tasks.

Important aspects about user environment:

  1. Physical:
    • Do your users work at home? or in adequate office space?
    • Noisy environment?
    • dirt, dusty, windy environment?
    • enough lighting for users to perform task?
    • temperature: very hot, or very cold, in which user will be affected by it?
    • what is the user expected system response time?
    • power? proper connection to a network or internet?
    • user danger? e.g. ATM
  2. Social:
  3. Cultural: ethics, backgrounds, cities,... different interpretation for images came from different cultures!  

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