Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Making the business case for site visits

The main reason behind the visiting user site is to verify that our assumption about the user are correct. Through this chapter, authors explain the expected risitance that you will (as a designer) face with your company when you propose to visit customer site to learn more about them.

Common objections to task and task analysis:

We’re changing the process; why to bother and check the current process?
Even though you’re changing the process, you still want to learn about the environment and the current workflow and tasks. One way for the new process is to adopt the current workflow and tasks as the users are familiar with. This will provide a good transition for users to the new process rather than having a new process (or system) which is incompatible with the environment.  
This is totally new; nothing it out there to go and see!
Even if you’re proposing a new design, you still can learn from its older design. For example, if you’re designing a fax machine, you still want to learn about how people send messages.
Users all do it differently; how would you know who to watch?
In all cases variations between users are expected, cultural variations, shortcuts, workarounds, etc.
we’re just changing one part; you don’t need to go beyond that!
Even if the change is one a small part, you still want to study the other parts as they affect the whole user experience. Also, you can learn from other tasks that interact with the tasks affected in your new change (or part).
What can we learn from few users?
recommendation is to study small number of users, so small-scale user set is totally acceptable and beneficial.
Why not to use the information we already have?
Usually, we hear such question from market researchers, and business employees. Of course, we still need their data and studies, however their studies questions were focused to serve their purpose and do not answer what we really need.

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