Monday, September 24, 2012


Brainstorming Sessions are a common techniques to elicit stakeholders initial requirements for a system. Typical session would include many stakeholders to think and discuss the needed system together. This technique needs an experienced facilitator to manage discussions and conflicts between stakeholders. Typically, such sessions can take between one to two days [1,2].
Session time and duration should be agreed on before the start of the session. In the session, participants may start throwing ideas that they think are important to the product, facilitator can use sticky notes to note every idea on the board. The facilitator can use the following flow:

  1. Allow everyone to bring up their ideas on the upcoming system (even if they're redundant).
  2. group the ideas into different groups, and remove related ideas
  3. assign ideas into categories with participants agreement (or the majority of them)
  4. break brainstorming group into multiple groups to study in details each category.
  5. in each group, ideas will be expanded and prioritize.
  6. the meeting is concluded with the results being presented to the whole group and agreed on
  7. If customer was not involved, further session might be needed.
The figure below gives an abstract view of the process:

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