Monday, September 24, 2012

Requirements elicitation

requirements elicitation: is the process of identifying and understanding the needs and constraints for a system that can be transformed into manageable requirements that meets stakeholders expectations [1].

Elicitation is sometimes confused with the analysis. Elicitation is to interact with stakeholders to write down their needs, while in the analysis, requirements are refined to meet stakeholders expected needs into more formal refined specification [1].

I will write different blog posts about different elicitation techniques. I've used the following sources books:
[1] Berenbach, Brian, Daniel J. Paulish, Juergen Kazmeier, and Arnold Rudorfer. "Chapter 3 - Eliciting Requirements". Software & Systems Requirements Engineering: In Practice. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. © 2009.
[2] Weese, Susan, and Terri Wagner. CBAP/CCBA: Certified Business Analysis Study Guide. Sybex. © 2011.
[3] Jonasson, Hans. "Chapter 7 - Ways to Gather Requirements". Determining Project Requirements. Auerbach Publications. © 2008.

I will refer to each source with its number between brackets.

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