Monday, September 24, 2012

Tabular Elicitation Techniques

In this category, we use tables to capture and note stakeholders requests to be met in the system. The nature of these technique makes it more precise and unambiguous. Two techniques under this category are widely used: decision tables and state tables.

A. Decision tables
According to [1], this technique is common tabular techniques. Rows  represent conditions, columns represents rules. This technique is useful when capturing business workflow or rules. One famous example is the tax tables [], in the table rows are cases, while columns are conditions such as (single, marrid, etc). 

Example: tax tables

B. State tables
State tables is a technique that uses the idea of state machine (in computer science) to capture the process (or workflow). As state machines, only one start point is allowed, and one or more final state. Although book[1] classified this as elicitation techniques, I only can see this as modeling technique.

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